Downing party of 5

So now that it’s no longer a secret, it’s official, baby number 3 is coming late July early August!

After the health issues I went through to get pregnant with our miracle Jude, we were anxious about the process we’d go through for this one. We tried for close to a year and I felt pretty defeated, and almost quit on my miracle before it arrived. All that to say, Gods timing is perfect and there’s no way to put parameters on it. Seriously, he will laugh at you. Experienced morning sickness the first couple months and finally just dealing with being overtired. Thankful the boys are in school during the day and I have plenty of time for guilt free napping!

Going in tomorrow for the NT ultrasound, to help identify any risk for Down syndrome as well as other chromosomal abnormalities and some major structural abnormalities. Hoping to also get some feedback from our NIPT blood testing I took a few weeks ago.

Thanks again for all the love and appreciate all the prayers!